DeNiro Opts out of Presetnig Major Awards for the first time in 28 years due of perceived unbearabllity

DeNiro Opts out of Presetnig Major Awards for the first time in 28 years due of perceived unbearabllity

According to reports, Robert Downey Jr. has been removed as a presenter from every major awards show scheduled for this season:

The planning of Hollywood’s esteemed awards ceremonies involves meticulous preparation, with various committees handling different responsibilities.

Among the more challenging tasks is that of the Presenter’s Committee, tasked with selecting and vetting numerous individuals. Before commencing their duties, each committee member is allowed to disqualify one presenter through a secret ballot. This year, the Oscar Committee unanimously voted against Robert Downey Jr.

“Nobody wants to endure his bitter tirades anymore. He appears utterly ridiculous standing behind the podium. Like a disgruntled garden gnome,” remarked James Franco. “His credibility is in shambles.”

Joe Barron, this year’s Oscar Chairman, expresses confidence that no awards show will extend an invitation to Downey Jr. anytime soon. “He’s become a toxic liability,” Barron stated. “He should count himself fortunate for never having experienced the wrath of Will Smith like Chris Rock did.”

Similar stories are circulating, with the Golden Globes also featuring Downey Jr. in the headline, and it’s anticipated that the Emmys will follow suit, possibly with a piece involving Garth Brooks and the Grammys, for reasons unknown.

One thing is certain, fellow patriots: a fresh narrative is always welcome. God Bless America.