Gordon Ramsay Steps Down as Tyson Foods Spokesperson: “I’m Not Staying on a Sinking Ship”

Gordon Ramsay Steps Down as Tyson Foods Spokesperson: “I’m Not Staying on a Sinking Ship”

Gordon Ramsay, known for his love of fresh ingredients, has had a change of heart regarding Tyson Foods. While he previously endorsed the company, he recently announced his resignation, stating, “I’m not going down with that sinking ship. I don’t care how much the kids love those Dino Nuggets.”

Even in upscale dining establishments, Tyson Crispy Strips and Dino Nuggets are highly favored for kids’ meals. Ramsay has praised their quality and affordability, but his recent decision indicates a shift in his stance.

Ramsay expressed disinterest in the controversy surrounding Tyson’s practices, emphasizing that he simply does not want to be associated with it. “That’s not my fight, whatever it is,” he remarked, “If you ask me, the whole thing is bollox.”

Tyson’s reputation took a hit when it was revealed that the company hires migrant workers for low-wage, labor-intensive jobs that Americans are unwilling to do even for higher pay. Additionally, Tyson plans to invest in insect proteins to feed animals, aiming to reduce costs and lower the carbon footprint of chicken farming.

Many find Tyson’s practices controversial, but some argue that these initiatives could improve the lives of immigrants and refugees, benefit the environment, and maintain low poultry prices in supermarkets.