“Jack Nicholson Compares Working with Robert De Niro to ‘Chewing Shards of Glass'”

“Jack Nicholson Compares Working with Robert De Niro to ‘Chewing Shards of Glass'”

Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro haven’t worked together in four decades, and there’s a reason for that. Nicholson once likened being on set with De Niro to “eating shards of glass” and compared it to “babysitting one of those dumb little dogs that live in your wife’s purse.”

De Niro has faced challenges in his career recently, with some suggesting that his outspoken speeches on political and social issues have alienated audiences. Some have compared his shift in public persona to a beloved superhero turning to the dark side.

Despite the criticism, De Niro has remained firm in his beliefs and has not shied away from speaking out. He dismissed the idea that his recent comments have hurt his career, suggesting that the media has a tendency to exaggerate and manipulate stories to fit their narratives.