Fox Entertainment Signs Roseanne Barr to a Morning Show Opposite ABC’s “The View”

Fox Entertainment Signs Roseanne Barr to a Morning Show Opposite ABC’s “The View”

The critics have rendered their verdict, and Roseanne Barr has emerged as an absolute comedic sensation. “The funniest show I’ve seen in years,” declared DKT Entertainment Editor Joe Barron. “Roseanne is a breath of fresh air.”

Fox is fully on board with this sentiment, securing a substantial 3-year, $40 million deal for the versatile actress and comedian to host a morning show as a direct competitor to “The View.” FOX Entertainment CEO Art Tubolls expressed the network’s enthusiasm, stating that the decision to bring her on board was an easy one.

“After we saw that standup, we were sold. It was the best thing anyone has done on a stage in a long time.”

Roseanne’s show featured groundbreaking material, including statements like “my children are libtards” and “my parents tried to set me up with my cousin, but that’s okay because everyone’s parents did that.” It takes a unique comedian to simultaneously make an entire audience uncomfortable and then bring them back with a punchline about bootstraps.

Curious to gauge public opinion, we asked a few viewers for their thoughts. MerrianNbob Mitchell commented, “We tried to watch. The thingy said we had to download an app and pay $5.99. We’ll wait till it comes out on cable.”

Regrettably, it seems the show might not make its way to traditional cable, potentially due to its perceived embarrassment factor, akin to Gina Carano and certain poorly received movies.

There are rumors circulating that Roseanne is contemplating bringing on the recently ousted “unwoke” actress Gina Carano to join her panel. Quite coincidentally, it seems. God Bless America.