“Riley Gaines Shocks Critics, Defeats Lia Thomas in Olympic Qualifier”

“Riley Gaines Shocks Critics, Defeats Lia Thomas in Olympic Qualifier”

The universe is beginning to realign. At the pre-Olympic tryouts this week in Negasquam, Minnesota, Riley Gaines qualified for two events while Lia Thomas washed out on hers.

“Riley swam like a true champion,” said former Olympic Medalist Joe Barron, “It was a pleasure to be her timekeeper. Thomas, on the other hand, looked as though she hadn’t trained in months.”

According to sources close to the Olympics that may or may not be reliable, Thomas has been hoping that just her wingspan and extra testosterone would get her through the trials and she could then train like Rocky Balboa in a small Russian town just outside Springfield, Siberia.

“That’s not how it works,” said Barron, who still holds the world record for the 10K meter broadstroke, “You have to train as if every race is your last. Or something to that extent.”