Sylvester Stallone has decided not to collaborate with Tom Hanks, stating that Hanks “weirds me

Sylvester Stallone has decided not to collaborate with Tom Hanks, stating that Hanks “weirds me

Sylvester Stallone has had a prolific career in the entertainment industry, but there’s one name notably absent from his list of collaborations: Tom Hanks. Stallone has made it clear that he has no interest in working with Hanks, finding him to be a bit unsettling. Despite numerous opportunities, Stallone has turned down roles that would have paired him with Hanks, such as the big guard in The Green Mile and Wilson in Castaway.

Stallone’s reasons for avoiding Hanks are unclear, but speculation suggests it might be due to unfounded conspiracy theories linking Hanks to various nefarious activities. These theories, popular in certain right-wing circles, have accused Hanks of involvement in dark deeds, including eating children with Jeffrey Epstein and Senate Democrats, and even being responsible for the assassination of the real JFK in 2004.

Stallone’s stance on Hanks remains firm, and it seems unlikely that the two will collaborate in the future.