Roseanne’s 1st Episode Gets More Views Than “The Conners” Did All Last Season

Roseanne’s 1st Episode Gets More Views Than “The Conners” Did All Last Season

Roseanne Barr’s critics often label her as a “has-been,” claiming that nobody wants to associate with her. Even after her standup routine received a Tony nomination, her name continued to be smeared. However, with the release of the first episode of her new show, there is little doubt that she has captured the attention of the entire nation.

According to the ratings, the first episode garnered more views on X than “The Conners” received throughout the entire last season. Roseanne’s spokesman, Joe Barron, expressed unwavering confidence in the show’s success, stating, “This is Roseanne; America loves Roseanne.”

The official number is remarkably high, just surpassing 114 million views on X, narrowly beating out the Andrew Tate interview. However, some pointed out that the number of views on X might not be an accurate representation of actual viewership. “It’s a scroll ticker,” explained Twitter Statistics Manager Tara Newhole. “It registers a hit every time the video appears. The show itself was watched by almost the entire population of Lanford, Illinois.”

Nevertheless, it remains an impressive number, showcasing Roseanne’s ability to achieve remarkable feats. God Bless America.